Thursday, September 20, 2007

Pandora and the Asian Kung-Fu Generation

Pandora is currently my device of choice for music while I doodle, and sometimes (less often) when I write. It does a pretty good job of finding songs and artists which I like based on the artists I have plugged into it. A case in point: Asian Kung-Fu Generation. I'd seen some of their albums in Japan, and always thought the cover art was quite nice, but I never sought out the music. Pandora served up one of their songs, though, and it turns out I like them quite a bit. Might even buy something, eventually.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007


It is, to put it mildly, slightly annoying to work on a picture for two hours, finally be getting somewhere with it, and then have Photoshop Elements crash.

And I cut myself shaving this morning.

Saturday, September 01, 2007


So, here we are, at the end of August. I got about thirty-five hundred words done in the last two weeks. If I can get six or seven thousand done in September, the first draft will be done. That is, assuming I can fit the rest of the happening that is supposed to happen into six or seven thousand words. I'm feeling it might take a bit more than that. (You never know, though. It could take less.)

Am I rushing along to try and get to the end? I think I might be. I think maybe I should, because once I have a framework in place, I can begin the serious carpentry. I think I like that part. Then again, maybe that's just me forgetting what that part is like.